What is the difference between Wheel balancing and Wheel alignment2013-11-075639
Essentially, when a car’s wheels are correctly balanced they will rotate with vibration. The simple explanation of wheel balancing includes reference to spots on the wheel and/or tire that are...
When should wheel alignment be done?2013-09-285673
Basically, wheel alignment is necessary when: 1. Change new tire 2. The steering wheel not center. 3. The car run to one side when go straight. 4. Abnormal tirewear is found 5. The car been driven...
What preparation need to be done when do wheel alignment?2013-09-286445
To ensure accuracy and effectiveness of wheel alignment, some preparation work need to be done before doing alignment on a car for eliminating the factors that could affect the result.
What is Wheel Alignment?2013-09-286181
Basically, an automotive wheel system have 5 functions: 1. Support the chassis 2. Absorb impact from the ground 3. Apply Driving force and braking force with friction to the ground 4. Apply lateral...